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MOB: 0431 036 495


The Clinic address is: 7 Sunset Drive, Noosa Heads, 4567, Queensland.

The Noosa Homoeopathic Clinic is easily found, whether travelling from Noosaville, Noosa Junction or Sunshine Beach and the David Low Way.

Travelling from Noosaville, proceed along Weyba Road (past Aldi Supermarket and Organika on your right) towards Noosa Junction. Go over the Weyba Bridge (over the river), turn right at the RACV Resort roundabout into Leslie Drive, turn second right into Paul Street, go to the very bottom of Paul Street, and turn left into Sunset Drive. The Clinic is the first driveway on the left as you go around the corner. Offstreet parking is available.

If you are travelling from either Sunshine Beach, the David Low Way, or Noosa Junction, proceed along Cooyar Street as if you are heading towards the Police Station.  Go straight over the first roundabout (turning left here would take you to the Court House, Police Station, Ambulance etc., but keep going straight ahead instead), go straight ahead at the Noosa Springs roundabout (you are then in Leslie Drive) and turn second left into Paul Street. Drive to the very bottom of Paul Street, then turn left into Sunset Drive. The Clinic is the first driveway on the left as you go around the corner. Offstreet parking is available.

Please do not hesitate to phone if you are unfamiliar with the area and need a more detailed explanation and guidance as to how to reach Noosa Homoeopathic. If you get lost, I am happy to come and find you! (0431 036 495)


Please discuss any homoeopathic support and management you may be considering with your doctor or medical healthcare practitioner, if you are currently under their care. Generally there are no contraindications with Homoeopathic medicines, but check with your healthcare provider.

Homoeopathy is a traditional medicine. It may be used in conjunction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies.

Carolyn does not, under any circumstances, support the cessation or replacement of your medical healthcare treatment plan with traditional homoeopathic management, as it is outside of the scope of her Professional Practice and Code of Professional Conduct.

Please advise Carolyn if you are currently taking any prescription medication.

(Back by popular demand - Comprehensive, Revised Edition, 2019)

Any suggestions or products in this eBook are to assist in the management of minor illness only, and ARE NOT intended to replace medical advice or treatment. Please contact your Medical Healthcare Provider for advice and treatment if symptoms persist or worsen. Seek medical advice immediately in the case of emergencies.
