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Noosa Homoeopathic Website and Facebook Page

Noosa Homoeopathic Website and Facebook Page

And Download your Essential Winter Remedies eBook too …

I hope that this website will be interactive and useful for you. You will find a link to Noosa Homoeopathic’s Facebook page.

Please also take this opportunity to download your Essential Winter Remedies eBook, which is packed with information. It gives detailed differential diagnoses for the selection of each homoeopathic preparation, and an at-a-glance quick comparison of them at the end. I hope you enjoy it. Perhaps you will find it useful during the months of July and August, (or November/December/January if you are in the Northern Hemisphere) when winter ailments can tend to get more of a grip!  Please be sure to seek advice from your Professional Medical Healthcare Practitioner if you become unwell and symptoms worsen or do not improve. The eBook is NOT intended to replace normal medical care or advice from your GP or Medical Healthcare Provider or specialist.

And try to take extra care of yourself during the winter months. Eating plenty of raw foods still, warm and nourishing soups, ensuring you have adequate, good-quality protein,  cutting down on sugars and processed carbohydrates, eliminating or reducing alcohol and coffee, drinking adequate water, taking plenty of exercise and ensuring you get enough sleep are all factors that are essential for your immune system’s ability to keep you in balance.

Summer can also be a time of extreme stress due to high heat and humidity. Taking plenty of water, and ensuring adequate rest, as well as eating lightly can be beneficial, and you will also find that most of the homoeopathic preparations suggested in the Essential Winter Remedies eBook are equally applicable during the summer months. The relevant homoeopathic preparation is always selected on the basis of symptoms, and therefore the process for choosing which one you need is still the same. The unique or individual nature of the complaint determines which homoeopathic preparation you may choose.

And last, but by no means least, remind yourself on a daily basis of what  and who you are grateful for in your day to day life. It’s an almost failsafe way of keeping a positive, happy and creative mindset. Mental discipline in this regard, and taking conscious steps not to indulge our inner whinger, can literally change our lives. And I’m the first person to admit that I need to keep on practising!

Blessings and good health to all,


(Please discuss any homoeopathic support and management you may be considering with your doctor or medical healthcare practitioner, if you are currently under their care. Generally there are no contraindications with Homoeopathic medicines, but check with your healthcare provider. 

Homoeopathy is a traditionally used medicine. It may be used in conjunction with other medicines. For any ongoing chronic condition, it is important to be assessed or examined by your healthcare professional or specialist. Always seek medical advice in emergencies.)

Please advise your homoeopathic practitioner if you are currently taking any prescription medication. 

(Back by popular demand - Comprehensive, Revised Edition, 2019)

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